
How To Create A Business Plan For Blog

If you're just starting out, chances are that you would want to create a blog business plan for your business.

If you want to create a successful blog + biz, you need a plan. You can't just launch a website (although that's important) and hope that it would work out.

Yes – your blog business plan is your blog's BLUEPRINT.

But first, if you have not started your blog yet, here's a step-by-step tutorial on how to start a blog.

Want To Start Your Blog Right? Sign Up For My Free Workshop: How to Start a Profitable Blog The Right Way (Step-by-Step Training)

You're back? Great! I will share with you the exact blog business plan template I used… when I first started this blog.

Sounds good?

How to craft your blog business plan, with free printable template included for all entrepreneurs! Make money in your biz, sell products and rock social media with this blog business plan.
Pin this bad boy!

A blog business plan is great because you get real clear on the direction, goals and vision of your business, leaving no stone unturned. When you organize your thoughts and plans into one central place, it increases the chances of you starting a successful blog.

Clarity = better business!

Without further ado, here are the components of my blog business plan:


  • Brand name

You should come up with a brand name. This is the same as your blog name. Don't need to go over the top – keep it simple. Here's a tutorial on how to pick a blog name, if you need help.

  • Vision & mission of your brand

What's the vision you have for your blog + business? Why are you doing what you are doing?

  • Your brand style

Your branding has to look cohesive. Create a cohesive and attractive brand style. Decide on your brand colors, brand fonts and other aesthetic aspects of your brand. This will be incorporated uniformly across your website, social media platforms, and other collaterals.

  • Brand vibes/ values

This is threading into the more intangible part of your brand: What vibe/ values do you want people to associate your brand with?

For instance, for me, its no-nonsense, smart, action-oriented, etc.

Click here to download your Blog Business Plan Template: A fully editable Google Doc template for you to get started with your biz plan today! (it's free) »


  • Target audience

Who are you targeting (specifically) with your website? Why? For more info, there's a tutorial about defining your target audience on this blog as well.

  • Competitors (VERY IMPORTANT)

Who are your competitors? Go scope out the situation. I always tell my 1:1 private clients: You don't open an offline ice-cream store without checking out the other ice-cream stores down the street, do you?

The same applies to your online biz. One does not simply start a blog without knowing who else is in business.

  • Points of difference

This is something I always like to do with all my businesses. How are you different from your competitors?

This could be your experience, your personality, certain things you cover, your brand positioning, better design, better service etc. There's an article about how to make your brand stand out that could be helpful for you.


  • Infrastructure

What host will you be on? What domain name provider will you use? Check out this tutorial on how to start a blog for more information about this.

I highly recommend that you use SiteGround as your host – their support is THE BEST, and my website runs perfectly with them. I have lost count of the number of times that SiteGround has saved me from losing sleep because something on my website messed up.

You also need a website theme – I recommend Divi (very customizable, great for beginners) or Genesis (for the more tech savvy ones).

The best option is my done-for-you website kit made with Divi where you can get an amazing website up by this week… all for a fraction of Divi's website! Check out Your Stunning Website 🙂

  • Content Planning

What topics will you blog about? Having some idea of what your blog content will consist of. This will save you valuable time later. Make sure it is something that your target audience (that you've decided earlier) would want.

Also, how often will you post?



For my long-term readers you would know that I'm big on email marketing.

If you are new and don't really know why you need an email list ASAP, check out this post: Why Building an Email List is a MUST for Your Blog & Business

I highly recommend Convertkit. I love Convertkit so much because it's just so easy to use, while giving me a ton of functions that my business needs at an affordable price. Click here to check out Convertkit and get your email list started! Feel free to email me if you've any questions about using it.

With that out of the way, some things you need to think about:

  • What will you be sending to your subscribers?

For more ideas, you can check out my post about newsletter content ideas to send and engage your subscribers.

  • How often will you send an email out to your subscribers?

Best to get this out of the way and decide once and for all. Once a week is a safe decision.



Social media is a huge part of marketing your blog + business for most entrepreneurs.

  • Facebook fan page strategy

Chances are you will want to create a Facebook business page. You need a plan for that! Some things you'll have to decide and plan for include: What will you post on the page (make sure it is interesting to your target audience)? How often will you post on your Facebook page?

  • Facebook group

Many people decide to create a Facebook group. You can check out mine here.

You don't need to have a Facebook group. Feel free to skip this section (or any other section in the social media section, actually). Not every business has to be on every single social media platform.

So… do the same for every other social media platform you want to be on:

  • Pinterest

What's your Pinterest strategy, if any?

  • Instagram

What's your Instagram strategy, if any?

  • Twitter

What's your Twitter strategy, if any?

Rinse and repeat for any other social media platform that you intend to use to market your online business. REMEMBER, only write a business plan out for social media platforms that you intend to use. Otherwise, you're just wasting your time. You don't need to be everywhere.

Sign up for the free list building webinar!



Here, you plan for any other ways that you intend to market your business.

For instance, you could choose to collaborate with other businesses, or do networking events offline, etc. Whatever it is, be sure to include it in your blog business plan.

How will you be marketing your business via these channels? When will you start? Who will you be working with? Etc.

Click here to download your Blog Business Plan Template: A fully editable Google Doc template for you to get started with your biz plan today! (it's free) »



No money, no business. Simple as that. You can't run a charity, trust me!

  • Financial goals

What's your income goal that you aim to reach for this blog + business? Make sure that it's a specific income goal, and have a timeframe for it too.

  • How do you intend to monetize?

What are some monetization channels that you intend to use for your blog? For extra help, you may find my post about having an online business model as well as my post about different online business ideas (where I explore different monetization methods) helpful.

Relevant posts:

  • Why I Switched To Teachable To Host And Sell My Online Courses
  • The Ultimate Guide: How to Become a Successful Infopreneur Online
  • How to Create an Online Course in 72 Hours (With Guided Instructions!)
  • How to Sell Online Courses 101
  • 10 Highly Effective Tips To Get More Clients Online (From My Personal Experience!)

For me, I do 1:1 coaching (check out how you can work with me here – that's hands-down the best way you can get success for your blog + biz, as you get personal attention and guidance from a coach that has been there before), courses (I provide step-by-step guidance and give my best tips in my quality courses), and affiliate marketing by recommending helpful blogging tools and resources that you can view here.

(Update 2021: I no longer do 1:1 coaching. You can check out my programs instead!)

What about you? 🙂



Break down what you have to do for your business week by week. I recommend that you have an action plan down for the next 3 months or so.

Having a deadline for certain activities will work wonders for your blog + biz. What will you do each week of your business?

No action, no results! 🙂

That's all, folks!

Click Here to download your Blog Business Plan Template: A fully editable Google Doc template for you to get started with your biz plan today! (it's free) »

I hope that you have found this helpful.

New pin design?

Blog business plan template for bloggers: Tips to start your blog and business successfully, get more traffic, and make money money - for bloggers and entrepreneurs (FREE PRINTABLE TO DOWNLOAD!) #blog #business #plan #template

God bless,

P.S. Want comprehensive guidance on how you can attract an online audience and get more traffic?

That's exactly where my signature course, List Building Incubator will help. It's my step-by-step system to grow & monetize your email list. Check it out here.

How To Create A Business Plan For Blog


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