What Would Be The Major And Minor Category Camera Fits Under In Accounting Fixed Assest
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Category Flexfield
Category Flexfield | |
Possessor | Oracle Avails |
Flexfield Code | Cat# |
Table Proper noun | FA_CATEGORIES |
Number of Columns | seven |
Width of Columns | 30 |
Dynamic Inserts Possible | No |
Unique ID Column | CATEGORY_ID |
Structure Cavalcade | None |
Table 1 - 32. (Folio one of i) |
Oracle Assets uses the category flexfield to grouping your assets by financial information. You pattern your category flexfield to tape the information yous want. Then you lot group your assets by category and provide default information that is ordinarily the same for assets in that category.
Alarm: Program your flexfield carefully. Once y'all have started inbound avails using the flexfield, you cannot change it.
Group Avails According To Your Needs
Ascertain the category flexfield to fit the fashion you group your assets. Apply the category flexfield to group your avails. Grouping your assets according to depreciation rules. By standardizing category names, y'all tin can more easily track your assets.Category Flexfield Structure
You define your category flexfield construction to fit the specific needs of your organization. Yous must define a major category segment and you can also define upwards to six subcategory segments. This central flexfield supports only one structure.Warning: The combination of segment values plus segment value separators must exist thirty characters or less, since the combination is used as a context field value for the Asset Category descriptive flexfield. An instance of a valid combination is VEHICLE.Commitment, which contains xvi characters including the segment separator.
Category Hierarchy
You can gear up your category flexfield so that the valid values for the subcategory segment are dependent on the major category value entered. So, if y'all have a dependent segment, but the valid values announced in the list of values for that segment.Category Default Depreciation Rules
You tin default nugget financial information for new assets based on the asset category. You can enter default depreciation rules for each category flexfield combination for each book. When y'all add together an nugget to a book, Oracle Avails defaults the depreciation rules from the asset category. If necessary, you can specify dissimilar depreciation dominion defaults for different date placed in service ranges.Category Upkeep
You can track actual spending versus approaching amounts for each category. Enter budgeting information based on asset category. Enter budget amounts for each category for each period and then run depreciation projections for your budgeted additions. You can as well run reports that compare approaching and bodily spending or show asset additions to categories for which yous did not enter budget amounts.Descriptive Flexfield Based on the Nugget Category
You tin ready up a descriptive flexfield that stores additional data based on the asset category. Enter the asset category flexfield as the reference field, and the concatenated category segments as the context field value for that descriptive flexfield construction.Come across:
Asset Category Descriptive Flexfield in Oracle Avails
Descriptive Flexfield Segments
Decide Your Needs
Category Structure
Consider the way you group your avails. Determine which avails share depreciation information such as prorate convention and depreciation method. You also need to decide how many levels (segments) your category construction needs. Decide which is the height level (major category segment).You lot may want to fix up your categories to match your chart of accounts. Each chart account defines a major category. You can define at least ane subcategory segment to allow for distinctions within a major category.
Suggestion: Yous can define up to seven segments for your nugget category flexfield. Since Oracle Assets only displays a express number of characters on its forms and reports, you lot may wish to use only 2 or iii segments and then they can be displayed. Also, since yous must define depreciation rules for each category flexfield combination, more segments require more than setup and maintenance try.
Value Sets
Each segment of your category structure needs a value prepare. The terms you used to group your assets are the values you enter for these value sets.Suggestion: The category name (all segments concatenated) appears on forms and reports which just display a limited number of characters. Y'all may want to abridge some category segment values.
Dependent Segments
To set up a subcategory segment for which the valid values are dependent on the value of a previously entered segment, create a dependent value prepare. Create an independent value set up for the showtime segment using the Value Set windows. And then create a dependent value set for the dependent segment. Enter the proper name of the independent value prepare, and specify the value which must exist entered for the dependent value set to be valid.
The valid values for the minor category segment are dependent on the value of the major category segment.
Alternatively you can ready cascading dependencies for your category flexfield value sets. Run across: Example of $FLEX$ Syntax.
Major Category Qualifier
You must define exactly one Major Category segment when setting upwards your category flexfield. Specify which segment is your major category segment by entering Yes for the Major Category qualifier in the Ascertain Key Segments class. Y'all tin can enter upper-case letter budgeting information for your major categories.Define Your Category Flexfield
Create A Value Set For Each Segment
Create a value gear up for each segment using the Value Set windows. If you want to set up a segment which is dependent on another segment, create an independent value set for the segment which the user enters commencement, and a dependent value set for the segment which depends on the value entered. Run into: Value Ready Windows.Enable Each Segment For Your Nugget Category Flexfield
Define new nugget category segments using the Define Fundamental Segments form. For your major category segment, check Enabled for the Major Category qualifier. Recall, you must log into Oracle Assets again to add together assets after you recompile your primal flexfield.Discover that since you must enter default depreciation rules for each nugget category, you should uncheck Allow Dynamic Inserts. You define valid category flexfield combinations in the Asset Categories form. Run across: Key Flexfield Segments.
Define Values For Each Segment
Create a list of valid values for each segment using the Segment Values Window. Since Oracle Avails only displays a limited number of characters of the asset category flexfield on forms and reports, you may want to keep the values short. See: Segment Values Window.Proffer: If you lot are setting upward the descriptive flexfield on forms where you add together avails to reference the nugget category, you may want to enter all values in upper-case letter. And so, when you enter the concatenated category flexfield segments value for which the descriptive flexfield structure applies, you tin merely enter the segment values in all upper-case letter separated past your segment separator.
Create Nugget Categories
Utilise the Nugget Categories grade to enter the nugget category name using the segments you divers. Also enter the asset category default information. You must define your category for a book using the Nugget Categories class before you can enter assets in that category and volume.Example
You determine to apply a two segment category flexfield with a dependent segment. A typical category combination might be COMPUTER.HARDWARE, where HARDWARE is a valid value for the 2d segment but if the value of the commencement segment is Computer. To set upwardly your category flexfield you must prepare upward value sets, enable your segments, enter valid segment values, and set up the category.First, use the Value Set windows to gear up upwardly a value fix for each segment. For example, you create the value sets Major, and Pocket-size Computer. Since you desire the Modest Computer value set to be dependent on the Major value fix, create an contained value set for Major and a dependent value gear up for Minor Computer. The Independent Value Attack which Minor Computer depends is Major, and the Dependent Default Value is Computer.
Then utilise the Key Flexfield Segments windows to enable your segments. Enter each segment and the value set for validation in the Segments window. For the major category segment, check Enabled for the Major Category qualifier.
At present use the Segment Values windows to enter the valid values for each subcategory segment. For example, you lot enter HARDWARE as a valid value for the Pocket-sized segment.
Finally, use the Asset Categories window to enter the asset category proper noun and information.
Flexfield Qualifiers
Major Category
Y'all must have exactly one Major Category segment in your Category Flexfield. Oracle Assets uses the Major Category segment for capital budgeting.See Likewise
Key Flexfields by Flexfield NameKey Flexfields by Owning Application
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Source: https://docs.oracle.com/cd/A60725_05/html/comnls/us/fa/keyfle02.htm
Posted by: valenzuelacountim.blogspot.com
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